Monday, December 19, 2011

ruby step iterator

A loop from 0 to 12 by 3 can be written as follows.
0.step(12, 3) {|x| print x, " " }
0 3 6 9 12

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Custom timeout for Net::HTTP Requests in Ruby

http =, port)
http.read_timeout = "timeout in milliseconds"

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Open current directory in terminal from nautilus

install nautilus-open-terminal.
1 . sudo apt-get install nautilus-open-terminal.

2 . logout and login or give "nautilus -q" in terminal.

Now in your right-click menu you can open a terminal, and it will be in what ever directory you are currently in in Nautilus

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Partial deploy using capistrano

Real projects are big and often have several megabytes of code. Sometimes, you need to quickly apply a ‘hotfix’ for a critical bug. Usually, a fix like that is small enough (containing only several lines of code) and affects only a part of the application. If so. it’s not necessary to restart the whole application – you need to restart only part of the running processes. In the end, you don’t need to go through the entire deployment process.

check this out

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Ctrl+C to exit from exception ruby

rescue SystemExit, Interrupt
rescue Exception => e

you can use SystemExit, Interrupt classes to exit from script with Ctrl+C

Thursday, August 18, 2011

IndexError: string not matched ruby hash

irb(main):001:0> s = "string"

=> "string"

irb(main):006:0> s[ 'hi' ] = 'foo'

IndexError: string not matched

from (irb):6:in
Here you already declared 's' as string then you can't use it as hash.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

yajl http_stream authentication


Net::HTTP and handling 302 Redirect

I meet two kinds of redirect: "Location" response and  tag.

Here's my solution:


require 'net/http'

require 'net/https'

http ='', 80)

resp, data = http.get('/',nil)

#1."Location" response redirect...

if resp.response['Location']!=nil then

puts 'Direct to: ' + resp.response['Location']



#2. tag redirect...


if redirectUrl!=nil then

puts 'Direct to: ' +redirectUrl


Mechanize and basic_auth

require 'mechanize'

agent =

agent.basic_auth('username', 'password')


Tracking remote git branch

Tracking remote git branch

git branch --track feature1 origin/master

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

mechanize examples

#00 Initialization

require 'rubygems'

require 'mechanize'

agent =

agent.set_proxy('localhost', '8000')

agent.user_agent = 'Individueller User-Agent'

agent.user_agent_alias = 'Linux Mozilla'

agent.open_timeout = 3

agent.read_timeout = 4

agent.keep_alive = false

agent.max_history = 0 # reduce memory if you make lots of requests

#01 manual get requests

url = ''

page = agent.get url

# or ...

page = agent.get(url, {"name" => "value", "key" => "val"})

#02 manual post submits

url = ''

page =, {"name" => "value", "key" => "val"})

#03 form post submits

page = agent.get ''

login_form = page.form_with(:action => '')

login_form['session[username_or_email]'] = '[Username]'

login_form['session[password]'] = '[Password]'

page = agent.submit login_form

#04 link and history navigation

page = agent.get ''

page = => /Telepolis/))

page = => /artikel/))



puts page.body

#05 exceptions


page = agent.get ''

rescue WWW::Mechanize::ResponseCodeError

puts "ResponseCodeError - Code: #{$!}"


#06 referer

page = agent.get(:url => '',

:referer => '')

puts page.body

#07 request header manipulation

agent.pre_connect_hooks << lambda do |params|

params[:request]['X-Requested-With'] = 'XMLHttpRequest'


#08 response header

page = agent.head ''

server_version = page.header['server']

puts "Server: #{server_version}"

if page.header.key? 'x-powered-by'

php_version = page.header['x-powered-by']

puts "X-Powered-By: #{php_version}"


# redirection urls:

agent.redirect_ok = false

page = agent.get ''

puts page.header['location']

#09 content parsing

# X Path / CSS-Selector:

page = agent.get ''

img = '/html/body/div/div[2]/div/div[2]/div/div/img'

puts img

# Regular Expression:

page = agent.get ''

page.body.match /< h3>([^<]+)< \/h3>/

puts "Heading 3: #{$1}"

#10 "with" method examples

# *_with: form, link, base, frame or iframe

# get the first link including "foo" inside url:

page.link_with(:href => /foo/)

# all links with text 'more'

page.links_with(:text => 'more')

# get the form with the name 'foo'

page.form_with('foo') # or form_with(:name => 'foo')

resque-schedular undefined method enqueue_at

initializers\resque.rb must reference resque_schedule.
require 'resque_scheduler' 
resque task must be started
COUNT=5 QUEUE=* rake resque:workers
resque-schedule task must be started
rake resque:scheduler
to monitor resque-schedule, resque-web must be started with the config file of resque as parameter. This one must not reference anything from rails directly as resque-web is a sinatra app and it won't be able to load it properly.
resque-web ~/pathToYourApp/config/initializers/resque.rb

Monday, August 1, 2011