File column is very useful plugin to upload multi sizes of images. Currently in file column plugin we are not able to provide file name.
I found number of forums which are facing this issue but not able to find the answer.
I found the solution which required to customize the file column plugin.
Add option filename in file column method.
1 2 3 4 | T = Time .now file_column :uploaded_data , :magick => { :versions => { "thumb" => "150x150" , "medium" => "640x480>" } }, :filename => "#{T.strftime(" % Y %m%d% H % M ")}" |
Initialized filename option in FileColumn.rb file
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 | def self .init_options(defaults, model, attr) options = defaults.dup options[ :store_dir ] ||= File .join(options[ :root_path ], model, attr) options[ :filename ]||= nil unless options[ :store_dir ].is_a?( Symbol ) options[ :tmp_base_dir ] ||= File .join(options[ :store_dir ], "tmp" ) end options[ :base_url ] ||= options[ :web_root ] + File .join(model, attr) [ :store_dir , :tmp_base_dir ]. each do |dir_sym| if options[dir_sym].is_a?( String ) and ! File .exists?(options[dir_sym]) FileUtils.mkpath(options[dir_sym]) end end options end |
Assign filename to temp image path. Update code @class TempUploadedFile store_upload method line number 219
1 | @filename = options[ :filename ] || FileColumn: :sanitize_filename (file.original_filename) |
Now test your code and get the uploaded image new file name.
Your code works very well but Rails cache the filename because of "config.cache_classes = true" . So the filename is the same for my images. How to disable cache for the filename ?