<script type="text/javascript"><!-- /* Date/Epoch Functions Author: Thomas Ballard (http://thomas.ballard.ws) Copr. 2002-2008, E.S.Q. Software Note: slightly polluted to attempt to support a GMT/non-GMT (local) timezone offset feature. Hack and slash resulted in a form input having a toggle state... but these functions need to know that form and input to access the property for evaluation. Need to come back and make these methods more agnostic. */ if(!window.dDate) window.dDate = new Date() window.getEpoch = function(){ var GMT = document.ivnForm.GMT.checked if(GMT){ return parseInt(Date.UTC(dDate.getUTCFullYear(),dDate.getUTCMonth(),dDate.getUTCDate(),dDate.getUTCHours(),dDate.getUTCMinutes(),dDate.getUTCSeconds(),dDate.getUTCMilliseconds())/1000) } else { return (dDate.getTime()-dDate.getMilliseconds())/1000 } } window.getDays = function(mObj,dObj,yObj){ // build array of days in a select container based on selected month and year iMonth=parseInt(mObj.options[mObj.selectedIndex].value)+1 iYear=(yObj.value?yObj.value:1900); var iDays=31; switch(iMonth){ /* determine the number of days this month including leap years */ case 4: case 6: case 9: case 11: --iDays; break; case 2: iDays=29; if (((iYear%4)!=0) || ((iYear%100)==0)) --iDays; } dObj.options.length = 0; for(var i=0; i<iDays; i++){ dObj.options[i] = new Option(i+1,i+1) } } window.toDate = function(eObj){ var mEpoch = parseInt(eObj.value); if(mEpoch<10000000000) mEpoch *= 1000; // convert to milliseconds (Epoch is usually expressed in seconds, but Javascript uses Milliseconds) dDate.setTime(mEpoch) zObj.innerHTML = dDate } window.toEpoch = function(mObj,dObj,yObj,hrObj,minObj,secObj){ var month = mObj.options[mObj.selectedIndex].value var day = dObj.options[dObj.selectedIndex].value var year = yObj.value var hour = hrObj.options[hrObj.selectedIndex].value var minute = minObj.options[minObj.selectedIndex].value var second = secObj.options[secObj.selectedIndex].value //alert(month+']+day+['+year) dDate.setMonth(month,day) dDate.setFullYear(year) dDate.setHours(hour,minute,second) //alert(dDate) zObj.innerHTML = window.getEpoch() if(window && window.clipboardData && window.clipboardData.setData) bResult = window.clipboardData.setData("Text",zObj.innerHTML); //stuff the text onto the clipboard } //--></script> <script type="text/javascript"><!-- var zObj = document.getElementById('dynamo') var fobj = document.forms.ivnForm if(fobj.GMT.checked){ // GMT TIME var dDate = new Date(Date.UTC(dDate.getUTCFullYear(),dDate.getUTCMonth(),dDate.getUTCDate(),dDate.getUTCHours(),dDate.getUTCMinutes(),dDate.getUTCSeconds(),dDate.getUTCMilliseconds())); fobj.month.selectedIndex = dDate.getUTCMonth(); // set initial month to current fobj.year.value = dDate.getUTCFullYear() getDays(fobj.month,fobj.day,fobj.year) fobj.day.selectedIndex = dDate.getUTCDate()-1 fobj.epoch.value = window.getEpoch() fobj.hour.selectedIndex = dDate.getUTCHours(); fobj.minute.selectedIndex = dDate.getUTCMinutes(); fobj.second.selectedIndex = dDate.getUTCSeconds(); } else { // LOCAL TIME var dDate = new Date(); fobj.month.selectedIndex = dDate.getMonth(); // set initial month to current fobj.year.value = dDate.getFullYear() getDays(fobj.month,fobj.day,fobj.year) fobj.day.selectedIndex = dDate.getDate()-1 fobj.epoch.value = window.getEpoch() fobj.hour.selectedIndex = dDate.getHours(); fobj.minute.selectedIndex = dDate.getMinutes(); fobj.second.selectedIndex = dDate.getSeconds(); } //window.dDate = new Date(); var GMT = document.ivnForm.GMT.checked if(GMT){ var html = parseInt(Date.UTC(dDate.getUTCFullYear(),dDate.getUTCMonth(),dDate.getUTCDate(),dDate.getUTCHours(),dDate.getUTCMinutes(),dDate.getUTCSeconds(),dDate.getUTCMilliseconds())/1000)+' (Epoch)' + '<br>'+dDate.toUTCString()+' (Standard)' } else { var html = (dDate.getTime()-dDate.getMilliseconds())/1000+' (Epoch)' + '<br>'+dDate+' (Standard)' } if(document && document.getElementById){ obj = document.getElementById('jdate1') if(obj) obj.innerHTML = html } //--></script> <script type="text/perlscript"> $obj = $window->document->getElementById('pdate1'); $obj->{innerHTML} = time . " (Epoch)<br>" . localtime(time) . " (Standard)"; </script>
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